Urban Crop Solutions offers a glowing and growing global future for indoor farming20180925180025

Urban Crop Solutions offers a glowing and growing global future for indoor farming

Valentina De Pauw25 September 20180 comments
Meet Urban Crop Solutions: A start-up that engineers and builds fully automated indoor vertical farms inside shipping containers and buildings. They a...
Urban Crop Solutions – Sustainability and vertical farms20180912151018

Urban Crop Solutions – Sustainability and vertical farms

Valentina De Pauw12 September 20180 comments
Before you dive into this article too deeply, take a moment to read the following description, and then close your eyes for a second. Imagine yourself...
Insightssuccess – Realizing a vision and executing excellence20180605120509

Insightssuccess – Realizing a vision and executing excellence

Valentina De Pauw5 June 20180 comments
It was while pursuing an elective course with existing entrepreneurs, when Maarten had the chance to develop a business plan; a plan that went on to c...
Urban Crop Solutions was awarded the Public Choice Award on the European finals of the FoodNexus Challenge20180105234544

Urban Crop Solutions was awarded the Public Choice Award on the European finals of the FoodNexus Challenge

Valentina De Pauw5 January 20180 comments
Urban Crop Solutions was awarded the Public Choice Award on the European finals of the FoodNexus Challenge on Wednesday evening December 13th. Fifteen...
Are you a grower or a technology company? You will have to make up your mind someday!20180105112042

Are you a grower or a technology company? You will have to make up your mind someday!

Valentina De Pauw5 January 20180 comments
2017 marked another year where several of vertical farming’s big names raised millions of dollars for their future development. Aerofarms closed on it...
Urban Crop Solutions: Redefining Agriculture and Creating Milestones in the Indoor Vertical Farming industry20171107211336

Urban Crop Solutions: Redefining Agriculture and Creating Milestones in the Indoor Vertical Farming industry

Valentina De Pauw7 November 20170 comments
Ever since the invention of agriculture, humans have been rediscovering innovative ways of farming and finding out modern techniques to make both harv...
Urban Crop Solutions Wins the FoodNexus Innovation Award in Belgium20171102210848

Urban Crop Solutions Wins the FoodNexus Innovation Award in Belgium

Valentina De Pauw2 November 20170 comments
(iGrow)Urban Crop Solutions was awarded on Thursday evening October 26th the FoodNexus Innovation Award. Out of many innovative companies, a jury of e...
Urban Crop Solutions collaborate with Ahold Delhaize Group20170626145007

Urban Crop Solutions collaborate with Ahold Delhaize Group

Valentina De Pauw26 June 20170 comments
Climate change, the global lack of arable land and the fact that more and more people are living in cities are a real challenge for the daily supply o...
‘How vertical farming reinvents agriculture’20170406120302

‘How vertical farming reinvents agriculture’

Valentina De Pauw6 April 20170 comments
(BBC Future)In an old carpet factory on the outskirts of the Belgian city of Kortrijk, an agricultural upheaval is being plotted: growing crops indoor...
‘Urban Crops: produce crops indoors anywhere’20170227205725

‘Urban Crops: produce crops indoors anywhere’

Valentina De Pauw27 February 20170 comments
(VRT Journaal)Distant production, transportation and transportation losses all make some farm produce needlessly expensive. In Beveren – Leie Urban Cr...