Some of Our Research Projects

Tiamat Sciences
Tiamat is a biotech company that is manufacturing animal-free protein by combining biotechnology, vertical farming, and computational design. By using our patented PharmSpeeTM platform, they are growing the next generation of biomolecules to serve multiple emerging industries.

Banana Tree Nursery
A custom FarmLab plant factory is used as a nursery to grow new banana (Musa) cultivars in a controlled environment. After growing to 50 cm (1,6 ft) they are checked for resistance to climate change. Promising trees are transported to the African highlands to ensure the future of the local farmers.

A consortium led by Puratos, a global bakery supplies company, with Urban Crop Solutions as key technology partner, is researching how to bake bread on Mars. UCS carries out research at their research centre, and has installed three custom FarmLabs at Puratos’ headquarters near Brussels, Belgium.